Delivery time
  • Our orders are processed within 5 working days, except for PRE ORDER orders.
  • The lead time is counted from the moment of receiving the payment for the placed order.
  • The approximate order completion time for a given product is given in the card of each product.
  • Shipments and time:


  • Parcel lockers -1-3 dni
  • Courier pocztex 2-3 dni


  • Priority registered mail - approximately 1-3 weeks
  • Priority parcel – approximately 1-2 weeks



  • Our orders are also realized in the PRE-ORDER formula.
  • PRE-ORDER order means that the selected product is not available "on stock", but it will be sewn in the amount adequate to the placed orders.
  • The lead time of such orders is specified in the card of each product.
  • A PRE-ORDER order is processed only after the payment for this order has been received.


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